Donate to the work of Mercy Ministries Foundation.
Donate in the USA.
US donors can designate donations to Mercy Ministries Foundation (MMF) through Mercy Force International (MFI). MFI is a US charity, approved under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Donate in Canada.
Canadian donors can designate donations to Mercy Ministries Foundation (MMF) through The Great Commission Foundation.
Donate in Japan.
Donors in Japan can designate donations to Mercy Ministries Foundation (MMF) through A Cup of Water.
Thank you for your generosity.
Mercy Ministries Foundation
Questions? Contact Us
Donate in Thailand.
Email Bee in the MMF office for information on donating to the ministry or other questions.
Contributions by Check.
Make checks out to Christian Happy Home or Mercy Force International.
Mail checks to:
Mercy Force International
P.O. Box 230505
Encinitas, CA 92023-0505
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