Raising children in the way of the Lord.

Leadership Transition Celebration!

Please join us for a special ceremony to commission the next generation of leadership at Mercy Ministry Foundation. We will be welcoming Mankah “MK” Moongjeerang as the new Director and celebrating this historic moment of God’s provision through the decades. 

Like in Biblical times, the baton of faith-leadership is passing to the next generation! This is a celebration you won’t want to miss.

Join us on December 30, 2023 for the ceremony to commission MK as Director, then be our guest at a special Thai-style family dinner to celebrate. 

Mercy Ministries Foundation is a Thailand based organization dedicated to fulfilling the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ caring for the fatherless and discipling them in order that they may be able to then show the love and grace of our Lord to others.

“He gives justice to orphans and widows, He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing.” – Deuteronomy 10:18

Christian Happy Homes in Thailand & Cambodia

We provide a loving home life and education. We teach the children the ways of the Lord as we raise them, beginning at the earliest ages. As the children continue to grow physically and spiritually we begin preparing and equipping them for the work of the ministry.

How We Accomplish Our Mission

  • God-Centered

    We teach them the ways of the Lord as we raise them, beginning at the earliest ages. As the children continue to grow physically and spiritually we begin preparing and equipping them for the work of the ministry.

    Ephesians 6:4

  • Healthy & Happy

    Our staff at Christian Happy Homes endeavors to provide our kids with a stable, loving home life and education.

    James 1:27

  • Education & Preparation

    We provide excellent education, music, sports, languages and many opportunities for developing into outstanding young men and women.

    Ephesians 4:11-12

About Our Homes.

Under the Mercy Ministries Foundation (MMF), all five of our Christian Happy Homes and the MMF School we run, are centered around teaching the kids to love God and rely on His word.

Chiang Rai Home, Thailand.

This is the original Christian Happy Home and began in 1985 with 13 kids and only $100 US dollars per month to provide the children and staff with housing, schooling, and food. Since it’s humble beginnings in 1985, a girl’s house, dining hall, and administration offices for Mercy Ministries Foundation have been built on the property. The Chiang Rai house has now grown to 40 children ranging in age from 5 years to 18 years old with many attending high school and various vocational colleges around Chiang Rai.

Chiang Saen Home, Thailand.

In 1997, we felt the Lord directing us to begin a home in Chiang Saen, near the border of Laos and Myanmar (Burma) in the lush Golden Triangle. We started with 10 boys in a rented home, but he overwhelming needs of Thai girls pulled on the hearts of the staff, so we began accepting girls into the home also. In 1998, the Lord provided the finances to build a home in the village of Ku Tao and construction began on the second Christian Happy Home. Presently, there are 40 kids living at the Chiang Saen Home consisting of about half boys and half girls ranging in age from 6 to 19 years old.

Chiang Saen Babies Home, Thailand.

The vision for the babies’ home was born after a young boy named Danny was given to Christian Happy Home at the age of 3 months. Seeing the growing need for a home specifically focused on caring for infants and toddlers, Mercy Ministries Foundation, partnering with donors from Canada, built the Chiangsaen Babies’ Home. The home was opened in July 2000 with two young boys ages 8 months and 18 months. Now there are 8 little ones under 4 years old. Once a child reaches the age of 4 years old, they are then integrated into the “big house” (Chiangsaen House) and begin school. Prior to this, they are homeschooled at the Babies’ Home in both English and Thai.

Phang Nga Home, Thailand.

On December 26, 2004, the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, left behind unprecedented damage and destruction in six provinces of Thailand, impacting hundreds of villages, and killing 8,000 people in Thailand alone. Through prayer, we felt the Lord directing us to open a children’s crisis home in the village of Phang Nga. That temporary home is where the MMF staff first started caring for the children whose families were affected by Tsunami. After a period of further prayer and listening to God’s direction a permanent home location was found in Khok Kloi, a town within the Province of Phang Nga closer to where the tsunami hit. Since then a complete set of homes have been constructed and were officially dedicated in December 2006.

Poipet Home, Cambodia.

In 2000, the Lord gave the staff at Mercy Ministries Foundation a burden for the people of Cambodia and soon registered as a foundation with the Cambodian government. The physical and spiritual needs of the Khmer people are exceedingly great. Our goal was to open a children’s home with the same vision for the Khmer children as we have for our homes in Thailand.

The homes were completed and officially dedicated in 2006. There are now about 10 children being cared for by the MMF staff in Cambodia.

MMF School

Poipet, Cambodia

The MMF School in Cambodia was launched in 2003. Because of the genocide in Cambodia, the quality of the Khmer education system is lacking. As a result, the children in the urban slum have little or no chance to attend school, so MMF School began as a place in Poipet for local children to be prepared for school as well as get a healthy meal. Our school was originally designed to give children 4-8 years old and their families a chance to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The MMF School now has 280 students and we are officially a primary school up to the 6th grade. The school provides quality basic education for children and teaches the community the value of education and a relationship with God. The school and classrooms are very contextualized, fitting right into the area of traditional construction materials plus a large play area. We have a wonderful relationship with the community as we also look to encourage the parents to the value education. The Christian female teachers are all residents of the area and have a wonderful heart for teaching the children!

Rose has recorded a video with a brief history of Christian Happy Homes - now Mercy Ministry Foundation - and the vision for the future (which is true to the original vision God gave Rose in 1983!)

MMF’s Leadership Transition.

This great time of transition is being celebrated at an event in Chiang Rai on December 30th. YOU ARE ALL INVITED! Please let us know if you can make it so we can plan accordingly.

Get to Know Our Amazing Staff.

Mercy Ministries Christian Happy Homes are filled with kids doing great things! They are led by staff, some of whom have been raised in Happy Homes themselves, and are now teaching the next generation how to have hope and faith in God.

Our Staff Mission.

Our mission statement is “Raising Kids, Building Lives, Following Christ”. We take seriously our mandate to raise our kids and provide for them, loving them when nobody really wanted them. We look to provide a family, loving atmosphere, just like any other mom and dad. We focus on building their lives through education, life skills and social and emotional preparation is also a good challenge.

We pray and we do our best. In our heart of hearts, as staff and as leaders, our goal is to guide them spiritually, to know God through His Son Jesus Christ, that they would love the Lord and follow Him.

Meet Our Alumni.

The children raised in Christina Happy Homes have gone on to serve Jesus and their Thai communities in productive and transformative ways. Please take a few minutes to check out the wonderful stories of some of our CHH Alumni!

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