Volunteer with Us.
Volunteer with Mercy Ministries Foundation
at a Christian Happy Home in Thailand or Cambodia.
Prayer is always the best way to start your potential visit here.
Work with us.
Short Term.
Short-term teams come for ten days to two weeks and will be involved in various activities with our different departments. Everything from medical clinics, outreaches in the tribal villages to building projects are part of what a team will be involved in. It varies from month to month depending on what the need of the hour is at that time. Please review the forms below.
Long Term.
We also take on people long-term who are willing to spend anywhere from 1 to 6 months helping out in any way needed at the time. Often these positions are helping with the staff at one of the MMF homes. If you would like more information please review the information and downloadable forms below.
From Home.
There are several roles that you can do from your home that would be a great help to our staff and bless the kids. These are one-time or ongoing little assignments, but they are a big help to our team. We can always use help with translating or checking our English for newsletters or other printed communication or help with addressing cards. Please contact us if you might some some free time and we will be happy to fill you in.
Below are downloadable forms and information that will help you understand more about mission opportunities here at MMF. Forms should be filled in and emailed to MMF.
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